The novel tells the story about two policemen who live next door in suburban New York, Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, each wife has her own problems. Francis's wife, Lena, was a strong woman but turned out to feel very lonely. Brian's wife, Anne, is a woman who turns out having experience mental instability that can interfere with their lives. Traumatic Event in the past that made Anne look like today, Brian tried hard to get rid of Anne's trauma but it seems that it has not been achieved, this story becomes more interesting when Anne's youngest daughter, Kate, has a love story with a Francis’s son, Peter, who actually Anne doesn't like that relationship. Until one morning an event occurred that made everything does not look the same again. This novel takes place in a small town house in north Manhattan in 1973, this book teaches a lot that bad experiences in childhood will bring big changes later on. Even though there are many obstacles in the relationship of these two neighboring people that don't make kate and peter break their relationship, this makes their relationship even tighter.
This novel is very good considering what is written could remind you of your unpleasant experiences in the past. Conflict and love are the main ingredients of this book, coupled with anne's problems that experience mental instability. Good writing reads flowing very smoothly making reading irreversible. For those of you, who like household drama, this book worthy of a 5 star. The most important thing in my opinion is that there is a moral message that the author wants to convey, love will make things easy, what you experienced yesterday will have an effect today, maybe tomorrow too.
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